Melissa Gragg
I am an entrepreneur, business owner, idea creator and dreamer who is dedicated to helping other business owners understand what their company is worth and how to increase the value – quickly and efficiently. Most businesses have thrived and succeeded based on face-to-face meetings, referrals and word-of-mouth advertising.
Then social media came along and shifted the landscape.
Now potential clients are easier to reach, but not all of us know how to traverse this new landscape. One thing we know in the business valuation community and really in business - typically increasing your sales revenue will lead to an increase in value. We also have to deal with the expense side, but no one has lost sleep on how to spend money, yet most of us lose sleep thinking about how to provide value to our current clients and getting more clients.
I have used all of these tactics and ideas with my own businesses and have made many mistakes on the path through the online world of marketing. This has helped me to understand some of the ways to drive traffic to a website, how to get a website to rank in Google and how to utilize social media sites to distribute amazing content.
For me, creating videos has become a necessity for the development of leads for my business valuation services. I was able to outrank much larger companies in Google, Yahoo and Bing – as well as YouTube. It wasn’t easy, but it is not impossible if you have the right tools.
My goal is to give you all the right tools to create videos, optimize social media accounts and really take control of your marketing efforts by understanding HOW video works and WHY it works. Take the next step and find out how to work with me one-on-one or have us come and present a 2-day seminar to get your whole team ready.